MYTH: Homeopathic medicines are not used for Acute.
FACT : Hom.medicines are used both for acute and chronic diseases.
MYTH : Homeopathy can’t give relief in fever.
FACTS : Medicines used for all kind of fevers as per the symptoms presented by individual .
MYTH : Homeopathy does not cure fast.
FACT : Cure is based on selection of right medicine from thousands of medicines which depends on matching the closest medicine having those symptoms. Since medicine selection varies depending on symptoms which are peculiar of that person suffering from particular disease and not a fixed regime for everybody suffering from particular disease, it is a skill and knowledge of physician to find the correct medicine. In acute conditions person should start feeling better within first 3-4 hrs,and in chronic cases after 2-3 months definite improvement has to be there jumping castle manufacturers china.
MYTH : ? role as preventive medicine. No role thus vaccinate as much as possible.
FACT : Homeopathic science has emerged as one of the most accepted science as preventive. It has proved it efficiency till now in all kind of epidemic diseases since centuries. In epidemics a single remedy is found depending on symptoms presented by people suffering, called -GENUS EPIDEMICUS which is given as preventive and curative to reduce morbidity and mortality. Thus individuals who are under homeopathic treatment can experience the change in their state, physical as well as mental. Also since the medicine makes the life force help to fight the disease force a person is able to deal with their illness in the healthiest manner. Thus they can experience optimum health. This makes the need of vaccination to minimal. It is also given for damage caused by vaccination in sensitive individuals.
MYTH : Homeopathic medicine cannot be taken with Allopathic medicine.
FACT : Homeopathic medicine can be taken with allopathic medicine if the later is mandatory for that period of time in any case. But gradually as the patient’s condition improves and his lab. Values are within normal limits on repeated occasions when under homeopathic care simultaneously, then the dosage of allopathic medicines can be reduced or waved off under guidance of allopathic physician. Sudden stopping the medicines when taking homoeo.medicine can be dangerous especially: antidiabetics, antihypertensives, steroids, antiepilectics, antidepressants.
Since medicines act at different plane it does not cause any altered reaction.
MYTH : Homeopathic medicines have no side effects.
FACT : Let it be any substance if taken indiscriminately will cause its adverse effects. Thus self medication is NOT AT ALL ADVISABLE.MEDICINES TO BE TAKEN STRICTLY UNDER GUIDANCE OF QUALIFIED HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN.
MYTH: Homeopathy science does not need any course or degree anybody can practice it just by reading few books.
FACT: In 1973 Indian parliament passed the Homeopathic Central Council bill and “Central Council of Homeopathy” was established in 1974.This council is the controlling authority of education and practice of Homeopathy in India. It is a degree course of 5 and a half years recognized by central Government of India as B.H.M.S(Bachelor in homeopathy medicine and surgery).The subjects included are in detail Anatomy,Physiology,Homeopathic Pharmacy and Biochemistry,Pathology,Forensic medicine.Surgery,Gynaec. And Obstetrics, Preventive and social medicine, Medicine, Homeopathic Materia Medica and Organon of medicine. M.D. in Homeopathy is three year full time course. PhD in homeopathy as doctorate has started since last 5 yrs.
MYTH: No information available about Homeopathy.
FACT : Visit any site on internet and type word homeopathy for search.
MYTH: Practiced only in India.
FACT : Practiced successfully in more than 80 countries. But there it comes under alternative health sciences or Naturopathy. It is most popular in India came here first , and was officially recognized in1839 when Maharaja Ranjit Pratap Singh was treated with homeopathy ,by Dr.John Martin Honing Berger during his visit to india.Thereafter showed a steady growth in India and gained a good will from leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore,Swami Vivekanand,Mother Teresa etc.
MYTH : Homeopathic medicines is just placebo.
FACT : If so there would have been no cures in children cases, infants, in acutes, in epidemics, in semi or unconscious patients. These are few examples.
MYTH : Homeopathy is only used for common cold.
FACT : Homeopathic medicines have proved its efficiency in most of the chronic diseases, epidemic diseases, Acutes. Cases of chronic nature like Rheumatoid arthritis, Diabetes, Hypertension, Psychiatric disorders, Pneumonias,also epidemic like Swine flu,Chikun guniaetc.Fevers ,malarial fevers, typhoid fevers etc.
MYTH: No limitation in Homeopathy.
FACT: Every science has its own scope and limitation. Thus any condition which requires immediate hospitalization where there is no time to save life force from extinguishing thus needs life support measures like life emergencies,Accidents,Poisoinings ,accidents due to strong electric shocks, any surgical condition which is acting as obstacle to cure..etc.Here role of homeopathy is there where medicine can be given with life support medicines and measures so that recovery is much faster, also once this crisis situation is well handled then again medicines have role during convalescence.
Thus there are many such queries are there in common mans mind which can be clarified and proper guidance should be received. This is one small step in this direction. For any more queries contact Dr.Sonali S. Bhonsle, Homeopathic consultant,M-9371460427,,
Asst.Prof. Bharati Vidhyapeeth Homeopathic Medical College,Pune.