HOMOEOPATHY- A Therapeutic approach

Avascular Necrosis

Avascular (AVN) necrosis is a condition of the death of bone cells that results from the temporary or permanent loss of blood supply to the bone. It can affect almost any of the body's bones, but it mostly involves hip joints, knees, and shoulder joints. Symptoms include pain, stiffness, limping due to pains, especially in age group 30-40 years.

Pathophysiology Of AVN

AVN begins when there is decrease in blood supply to bone lying beneath the cartilage. It leads to low oxygen in bone tissue resulting in death of cells (necrosis) of bone. It is suggested via experimental evidence that bone cells die within 12 hrs. to 2 days’ time from reduced blood supply and low oxygen levels. With progression of the condition, degeneration and the collapse of joint occurs.


If AVN is left untreated, the condition goes on becoming worse and worse and finally may result in bone collapse. It can lead to severe arthritis.

Some measures to prevent AVN

  • Avoid smoking and limit alcohol use.
  • Keep a check on cholesterol levels
  • Avoid excessive steroid use

Homeopathic intervention

Homeopathy has good scope of managing cases of AVN going through Stage 2. There are several natural remedies in homeopathy that can help to relieve pain and stiƯness, and improve the range of movement of the joint. These medicines also boost the body’s immunity to fight back disease naturally and halt further advancement of the disease. Homeopathic medicines helps in pain management, and for helping developing the collateral blood supply thus preserving the healthy cells.
Mind and body understanding in homeopathy helps to heal the deepest conflicts and better health is achieved overall too. Medicine is selected after detailed case taking process, to understand the peculiarity of symptoms in a particular case. Medicines to relieve hip pain are Rhus Tox, Bryonia and Colocynth can be suggested considering the factors that increase the pains or factors that decrease it. For chronic pains Syphylinum, in people with chronic history of alcoholism, Strontium carb in people with history of trauma, Silicea, in people with sensitivity to clod atmosphere, Phosphorus, where occupational causes like inhaling phosphorus fumes have caused necrosis in bones are few of the specific remedies considering the causative factors. Diet rich in antioxidants, low in fats, high in fiber, high in protein is good.
Yellow and green vegetables and fuits, and high fiber is suggested so that cholesterol levels are controlled. Though groin pain can occur in hip AVN but not all those having groin pain are actually suƯering from AVN. There could be other reasons as well that could be causing groin pain. For example, inguinal hernia, kidney stones, sprains, tendinitis, pinched nerve, UTI (urinary tract infection), and certain male problems like hydrocele, varicocele, epididymitis, orchitis and testicular torsion. AVN in early stages is usually painless. But if left untreated, there is progression of AVN, bone damage worsens and pain starts to appear which initially is intermittent but gradually may become constant from intense bone damage.
So, it is advised to not ignore it and start with its proper treatment to halt progression of this condition and prevent associated pain. The stage of AVN decides whether surgery is needed or not. Stages I and II of AVN can be managed with medicines. However, in stage III AVN surgery may be required. In IV stage, surgery may be the only treatment option when all the conservative methods have failed to provide relief, and the pain is unbearable.

Dr. Sonali Bhonsle.

Consultant Homeopath

BHMS,PG hom (London)
